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Thursday, July 13, 2006

July 2006 - continuation

July 10: We got our dresses back from being steamed this weekend. Problem!!! The sash/ribbon for my dress was missing! Oh no! The dress is gonna look so plain without the sash around it. What happened??? I double checked my wasn't there. I swear I placed the sash in the plastic bag along with the dresses. The next day, I went to the dry cleaners and they said they didn't see it. I even called the actual dry cleaning place and they don't remember seeing it. Argghhh!!!! What to do, what to do!!! I called Katrina up in the Philippines where we got our dresses made. Good thing she took back all the extra cloth from the dress and had an extra sash made for me. Thank goodness! Thank you, Kats!!!

July 11: I was already stressing about my dress' sash this day. This was the day Mitch and I were going to see her wedding dress and have her fitting. I had her shoes in my office to bring to the fitting that afternoon. With all the stress I've been having and work, when I got to the bridal shop, first thing Mitch asked me was, "Where's the shoes?" Aaaghhh!!! I forgot it in the office. So I had to walk/run fast and get back there. Ay yay yay!!! My work out for the week!!! The dress was beautiful though (I'll post some pictures after the wedding). A little long and a little bit tight. Yikes! Two more weeks, Michelle, and you'll be a Cinderella bride.

July 12: I got an email from my mom telling me that United Airlines was asking for her visa to come to Australia. Big Huh??? I thought with a blue passport, its easy to get in most countries. I got worried because they are leaving in a few days without a visa. Fortunately, UA can process it for just $20. So BEWARE! You've been warned.

July 13: I went to get my facial before the wedding. My face is stressed from work and all the errands I have to do for the wedding prep and the family coming. Facial wasn't enough. Maybe I should go get a massage next time.

July 14: The Ortegas arrive from the Philippines. Their cousin Ollie was supposed to fly with them. She was so excited and happy. First time to come to Australia. When she got to the airport to check in, they looked at her visa and it says that she can't fly after July 1, 2006. Ay yay yay!!! Didn't she look and read her visa before then? Well, the embassy made a mistake, too, coz she was coming here for a wedding in mid July and they gave her up to July 1, 2006. So almost breaking down, she didn't make the flight. She had to find her way to the embassy back in the Philippines. Later on, the embassy admitted they made a mistake...what a costly mistake coz she missed her flight, she has to pay a portion of her hotel here, missed a couple of days of touring Sydney, and a big waste of time. I think the embassy should pay for all this. What a disappointing and frustrating experience. Next time, always read the fine prints on your visa. My visa that was issued to me says my first entry has to be on or before Oct 25, 2005 (I arrived Oct 12) and not to marry before then.


Michael de Leon said...

that explains why you didn't get married before.

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