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Saturday, March 18, 2006

"Tuesdays with Morrie"

I went to Kinokuniya at Victoria Galleries, their 'Borders' or 'Barnes & Noble' here (although they do have both 'B's here in Sydney, too).

Today, I read the book "Tuesdays with Morrie" by Mitch Albom.

The lesson learned was simple:


I also recommend his other book, "The Five People You Meet in Heaven".


Miki said...

I got both of these books during my sabbatical and still haven't read them yet. Thanks for reminding me. I'll need to get going.

Anonymous said...

I have read one and saw the movie. I haven't read the other but I hear its good... (~_~ )

Celestine de Leon said...

there's a movie? which one?

Celestine de Leon said...

oops, i guess they don't have barnes and noble here. only borders

Anonymous said...

Tuesday's with Morrie... Dude!!! Its a good translation of the book but of course the book is better...

Celestine de Leon said...

is this anonymous person robert again? i think you're the only one that calls me dude! maybe i don't recognize you this time bec you dont have the "hihihihi" laugh. or i could be totally wrong...this could be someone else! ha 3x

Anonymous said...

DUDE!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING??? I like to be Anonymous...hee, hee, hee...

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