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Friday, March 10, 2006

I haven't driven a car 5 months and I don't see myself driving anytime soon either. Its always been bus, train, taxis, ferries, or riding in someone else's car.

Maybe I'll take up lessons to learn how to drive a stick shift car. In fact, I can just get a rental car and start driving (they do rent stick shift over here. I didn't find any rental place in the US that rents out stick shift. They probably know people like me would rent one to practice on and ruin all its gears). The only problem is, I'll be driving on the other side of the road. That means, I'll be shifting gears with my left hand. Oh well. I gotta try it.

My mom and I used to go to a car dealer, get a stick shift car to test drive, she drives it out of the dealership, and a mile later, I get on the driver side, and start practicing. Hehhehe.

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