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Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Nappy Change

We had our assessment in our childcare class for nappy changing...on a dummy.

At first, our teacher had to demonstrate a step by step procedure on how to change diapers. In simple terms:

1. Get all the stuff you need and set it next to the changing area
2. Put paper towel on the nappy change area
3. Put the baby on the nappy change area and never let your sight out of the kid
4. Put your gloves on
5. Take the diaper out
6. Wipe the area from front to bottom
7. Take your gloves out and put it around the dirty diapers and throw in the garbage
8. Put the new diapers on
9. Wipe the baby's hands

The whole class made mistakes everywhere. Two moms had to repeat the procedure coz they didn't follow the right directions. One student took her eyes off the kid (automatic fail). One had their dirty hands all over the new diapers (I think that was me!). Everyone was nervous even though most of the students have done it before or they are already moms!!!

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