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Thursday, December 17, 2009

Pulp Fiction

When was the last time you saw the movie 'Pulp Fiction' on the big screen?

We went to Centennial Park for the Moonlight Cinema to watch the movie on a big screen outdoors.  We had our picnic blankets, our food, and drinks.  We almost didn't make it.  The projector wasn't working when we got there and it started to drizzle.  Fortunately, they were able to fix the projector just before sundown and it was only a light drizzle.  The movie finished at midnight and that's when it started to rain hard.  So lucky!!!


Anonymous said...

Hee hee. Celestine, your such a klutz!!!! guess who???

Celestine de Leon said...


Anonymous said...

man, come on hunnie! you know who! your former sweetie, admirer and colleague from RHI in Pleasanton! so guess who! :) ha ha

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