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Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter Weekend

Easter week is one of the Holiest weeks in the Catholic Church (Greek Orthodox, this year, celebrated it one week later based on their calendar). To some, it might look like I went church hopping this weekend. But it wasn't all religious obligations this weekend for me.

Thursday - we went for Holy Thursday mass at St Columba church, our local parish. Friends came over to have the passover/sacrificial lamb for dinner.

Friday - I joined my coworker for the 10am Station of the Cross at St Margaret Mary in Merrylands, checked out St Dominic's church at Flemington, and went to the 3pm Passion of Christ at St Patrick's in Parramatta. Three new churches for me = three wishes!!! When I got home, a couple of our friends came over to hang out with us during this fasting, no meat day. When midnight came, we drove to McDonald's and watched Seinfeld episodes til 1:30am.

Saturday - We did a bit of walking towards St Joan of Arc church in Haberfield (but was closed). We then went to the Easter vigil at the newly renovated St Peter Julian's church in Chinatown.

Sunday - my friends and I went to a service at the Opera House and later went to St Patrick's church in the city for the Easter Sunday mass. A BBQ was followed at our house...another party! Mei and I was bored after the BBQ and watched the movie "Summer Hours" at the local movie cinema. We were still not satisfied so we invited a friend to come over and chat til midnight.

Monday - was a bit of a rest day. We made some pizza at home (from scratch) and had people over again for a mini party!

Geez - what a weekend!

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