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Sunday, September 14, 2008

Absentee Voter

I just voted for the US Presidential Election as an absentee voter. First time doing this before everyone else and being part of a historic election. I hope the one I voted for wins.


Anonymous said...

Yeah, Obama is the man all right! Hopefully you didn't choose loser McBush, I mean, McCain now either. Four more years of the last eight years would be beyond insanity. This country is hurting big time. Time for real change, real reform. What do you think, pal???

Thang said...

So who did you vote for?


Anonymous said...

Sarah Palin has my vote all the way. I never seen a vice-president candidate so very fine, pretty and sexy as her. Reminds me of my high school algebra teacher I wanted very much to get deflowered by. HA HA. Oh, never mind that she doesn't anything about foreign affairs, etc. The fact that she can see Russia from her window in Alaska is good enough for me.

Anonymous said...

how's my sexy n hot pinoy babe doing these days?? we really miss you much too! please let everyone know how you're doing. you've been terribly missed here back in the States! haa haa.

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