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Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Halloween Party

They don't really celebrate Halloween in Australia. If they did, its just another excuse to have a drinking party. I thought it'd be a good idea to get people dressed up on Halloween. I was afraid people won't participate but I'd say, it was a pretty good turnout that people actually dressed up. Some would call me to make sure they weren't the only ones dressed up. Some hired costumes at a party shop. I dressed up as an angel. We had a couple of fairies, batman, two draculas, three witches, robin hood, gypsy, pirate, an 80s girl, one of those mormon men in blacks, and a lot more. But the best part for me was when a few of us went out on the streets to buy some beer...with Borat. The lady behind the counter was talking on the phone and told the person on the other line that Borat was at the shop. Borat took the phone and started talking with the perfect accent!

The life of the party? I have to give it to BORAT!!!

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