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Wednesday, March 29, 2006

March & April Madness - NCAA & NBA Hoops

Who said you have to be an expert in NCAA to get in the March Madness guessing game of who's gonna win the championship? Not even the sports analysts would have guessed none of the #1 top seeds of the four regions would get into the Final Four. In fact, of the more than 3,000,000 entries in, only 4 correctly picked the final four. Unfortunately for me, I picked all the top seeds to get into the final four and so I was out of the pool.

This is actually fun especially when most of you in the pool don't know anything about the NCAA tournament. It started last year when my firm (Hood&Strong) had a pool for all employees to participate. I wouldn't think I'd participate in this thing but I ended up winning 3rd place out of 42 people last year. So this year, I asked my old firm if I could still participate even if I don't get any of the prizes (not that I would think I'd win again - actually, I borrowed my client's bracket last year who had a better idea of the teams). This year, I just picked the teams on my own. Because of that, I ended up nearly last least not the last. For my final four, I picked top seeds Duke, Connecticut, Memphis, and Villanova (Villanova being my pick to win it all the way!). Well, as I mentioned in the beginning, none of them made it into the Final Four. Darn it!!!

Some highlights of the tournament:
- #11 George Mason beating #1 Connecticut to get into the Final Four
- UCLA's come from behind win over Gonzaga (down by double digits on the 2nd half)
- of course, the many upsets and close games
- my personal favorite quoted from my coworker:

Something tells me Jennifer Aniston didn't watch this morning's Bradley/Pittsburgh game. She may have turned it on but I doubt she left it there. If you saw the game you definitely know what I am talking about, if not then just picture the score that is virtually always in the lower right corner of the screen.

What happened in the game? 13 seed Bradley won, giving us our first true Cinderella in the Sweet 16!

Final Score:

So I didn't win this year...there's always next year. At least I didn't put any money into this. Mike, Michelle, and Carlo, I think we should do this next year!

Fortunately for me, I still have the Fantasy NBA in which I've actually put money into. At the beginning of the NBA season, Carlo set up our little tourny/Fantasy NBA thing. I've managed to keep myself in first place. Its now the playoffs season and for being in first place, I've actually already won $15 USD. Too bad I never made it into the Championship. Til next year! Go Mars!!!

Weekend #24 in Australia

I did a touristy thing this weekend coz there were a couple of places I wanted to check out and just wanted to take more pictures of the city (as if the hundreds, if not a thousand, pictures I've already taken is not enough!!!). First up, I went to the Museum of Contemporary Arts at Circular Quay to see the featured artist, Sam Taylor-Wood, and his work 'The Crying Game' featuring male actors showing their 'best' acting at crying (ie. Sean Penn, Robert Downey Jr, Paul Newman, John Leguizamo, Ben Stiller, and more). Another artwork was of David Beckham being filmed while sleeping. Unfortunately, as all other museums would not allow it, there were no cameras allowed. But I can show you a picture of what you'll see just right outside the museum:
(This is fall in Sydney...well, just coming out of summer. This is where your ship will dock if you take a cruise...with a view of the Opera House and the Harbour Bridge).

I went to the Sydney Observatory just on top of the hill at the Rocks. Nothing too exciting really. Its just another spot that I haven't been to.

I had a few more hours to spare before the weekend was over so I headed off to the Sydney Aquarium at Darling Harbour. From a platypus, to an alligator, to sharks, and finding Nemo and his friend Dory, you'll find it here. I could have used these pictures as part of my diving experience at the Great Barrier Reef (except for the alligator!!!). The kids will enjoy this.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Bear Hugs

The Buddy Bears are in Sydney. Life-size bears have arrived and displayed at Circular Quay showcasing the world-renowned United Buddy Bears exhibit as part of Unicef's Unite for Children 60th anniversary.

124 Buddy Bears representing the United Nations member state were painted by international artists in the spirit of their own country of origin.

The first of these similar objects I saw painted by artists was when I went to Toronto, Canada back in 2001. I saw moose everywhere (If the plural of goose is geese, shouldn't the plural of moose be meese? Actually, no. The plural of moose is actually "moose"). An artist would paint one of these moose (not the real one, of course), display it around the city, and sell it for charity. The following year, I went to Catalina Islands in LA. And similar thing. They had painted buffalos (not the real ones) and displayed all around the island. Apparently, they had lots of real buffalos in the island. Then you've got San Francisco. Now what object would you think the city would use to represent SF? The 'heart', of course, as in "I left my hear in San Francisco'. If you noticed about two years ago, you should have seen a bunch of painted hearts displayed in San Francisco. I was at a client's site one time on one of the taller buildings in the city. I peered through one of the windows and at one of the shorter buildings, I saw an artist's work of heart displayed on the top of the building. If you missed any of these, my firm actually bought one of these hearts and is displayed in our lobby (if its still there) at this address: 60 Spear Street, Suite 400, San Francisco. Or if you are assigned to WECO SF Corp audit, see if you could find it in one of the shorter buildings next to WECO's building (if its still there???). If you see it, blog me.

If you want to see these bears, their next stop is Japan this case you happen to be there.

Here's the three bears that represent the three countries I've lived in (Philippines, US, and Australia):

Philippines - featuring the 'agila' - eagle
US - featuring the Statue of Liberty
Australia - featuring aboriginal paintings

St Patrick's Day Parade

There's a pretty big Irish community here in Sydney, as well.

I didn't really do much to celebrate St Patrick's day (ie. wear any green or go out drinking). All I did was sit on a curb and watch the parade on Sunday. Men in quilts, bagpipes, irish wolfhound dogs, leprechauns, and some U2 songs being played out (U2's "I'm a beautiful gay" song being played while the gay irish paraders were passing by). They even had a group of paraders from Boston wearing Boston Celtic jerseys.

Here's some pix from the parade:

Saturday, March 18, 2006

"Tuesdays with Morrie"

I went to Kinokuniya at Victoria Galleries, their 'Borders' or 'Barnes & Noble' here (although they do have both 'B's here in Sydney, too).

Today, I read the book "Tuesdays with Morrie" by Mitch Albom.

The lesson learned was simple:


I also recommend his other book, "The Five People You Meet in Heaven".

Friday, March 10, 2006

I haven't driven a car 5 months and I don't see myself driving anytime soon either. Its always been bus, train, taxis, ferries, or riding in someone else's car.

Maybe I'll take up lessons to learn how to drive a stick shift car. In fact, I can just get a rental car and start driving (they do rent stick shift over here. I didn't find any rental place in the US that rents out stick shift. They probably know people like me would rent one to practice on and ruin all its gears). The only problem is, I'll be driving on the other side of the road. That means, I'll be shifting gears with my left hand. Oh well. I gotta try it.

My mom and I used to go to a car dealer, get a stick shift car to test drive, she drives it out of the dealership, and a mile later, I get on the driver side, and start practicing. Hehhehe.

Monday, March 06, 2006

Great Barrier Reef - Cairns, Australia

To save me some time, I'll just post the email I sent to my family.

hello everyone,
i just got home from a busy and tiring weekend. my friend from oracle, tina (who i used to work with at my firm in SF) was back for business last week. she is now the 2nd and 4th friend i've seen since i moved here. when i wanted to plan this past weekend, i just wanted to stay in sydney to watch the mardi gras parade (gay and lesbian parade which seems to be a very very big thing over here). but tina said she wanted to go to the reef coz she might not be back to australia for work. i wasn't sure i wanted to go coz i had mitch's wedding food tasting this sunday. i had to be back by sunday morning to get to the food tasting.

well, i guess you already know which decision i made. we didn't actually book our hotels, the day trip, and our flights until thurs and friday of that week. this is probably the most spontaneous trip i've ever done.

thurs night, i stayed at tina's hotel, Intercontinental. its a pretty high profiled hotel coz the previous weeks, they had guests such as harrison ford and the olsen twins staying at the hotel. that was cool. before retiring for the night, tina and i checked out the Establishment, a bar in the city, where everyone seems to go. but there were too many people so we headed to the shangri-la hotel. they had a bar on top of the hotel overlooking the city. very cool! less people and more relaxing.

the next morning, friday, i had breakfast at the lounge on top of the intercon hotel. this is a VIP lounge for those clients who have upgraded rooms. tina said, all you see are americans eating breakfast there. she was right. most of the people there were americans. anyway, the lounge also has a great view of the opera house and the harbor bridge while eating breakfast. and i get in there all for free!

so i went to work, which is literally two blocks away from the hotel. our flight was at 9pm on friday. there were actually three of us: me, tina, and aaron (also from oracle) that flew to cairns (pronounced caynes...they don't pronounce the 'R'). we got there at around 11pm. they are one hour behind. it was warm, humid, and muggy over there. it felt like i was back in hawaii again...or florida. we stayed at "The Lakes" - kindda like time share type. we got a suite in a gated community. they actually have bars and restaurants inside the gated community for the residents. i think some of the units there are actually owned and lived by the owners...and maybe some are rentals just like maui hill in hawaii.

anyway, we went to bed asap coz we had to get up early for an 8am start. next day was great barrier reef day. we went to the reef terminal in downtown. there were tons of tourist waiting to get on board. the package we got was from "passions of paradise". i would recommend this company as well as the hotel we stayed in. from the terminal to the snorkelling site was actually abt 1.5hrs away...or maybe even 2hours. first thing we did was snorkelling. yes, i'm still unsure about my swimming skills so i had a life saver to hold on to with the floating device around my waist. no melinda to snorkel with me this time. i was on my own. surprisingly, i survived without drinking too much water this time. hahhahha. the corals/reefs were beautiful. very colorful. huge corals. its a once in a lifetime experience to check out the great barrier reef.

next up was diving. i've never done this before and i got kindda worried. but to really get up close with the reef, you have to go deeper into the water. but we did some testing with the breathing on the regulator of the oxygen tank. they taught us how to blow out the water if water gets into your mouth while deep in the water. you just say "two" while breathing into the regulator. if water gets into your mask, you have to pinch in the middle of the goggles, turn your face up, then breath out. it leaves a small opening in the goggles to breath out the water. anyway, we tested all of these while in the water. by the way, i think the oxygen tank and all the gears were about as heavy as i was. i could have fallen backwards carrying that thing behind me. oh yea. while in the water, i had to hold on to the instructor the whole time coz...i don't swim. so i was in safe hands. it was really cool. i got to touch some of the reefs, i found nemo and even got to touch nemo, i saw a giant clam that the instructor touched and it closed and opened. scary if you get stuck in that huge thing. i can't believe i was able to do that and not once did i swallow water while down there. they said its actually easier than snorkelling. all you do is breathe and never, ever hold your breath. and that's a skill we all know how to do since we were born. right?

next stop, we went to michaelbay cay island. its a small island in the middle of nowhere. its a bird island coz its mostly birds in it. a rest stop for them if they've been flying that far away from the mainland. how did they get that far anyway? from the boat, you could either snorkel your way into the island or ride in the smaller boat into the island. i was the lazy one and got on the small boat. hehehhe. but i went back into the water to do more snorkelling. this is where i saw a baby shark (i think its the grey nosed shark which is really harmless). but i still got scared eventhough it was probably 1/3 of my size. maybe even smaller because our goggles actually makes things bigger and closer than you really think. this is also where i got stung by a jellyfish. by the way, they have deadly jellyfish here (called bluebottles). i felt something stinging my arms but when i looked, it looked like nothing. i showed it to one of the crew members and saw two tentacles on my arm. you could barely see it. i think they were just tentacles...i didn't see any jellyfish heads. the crew said, nothing to worry about. if you start to feel getting sick later, then let us know. i asked one of the other crew members for those jellyfish spray and he said jokingly, "well, you don't really need it coz in about 5 min, you'll die anyway". and they keep scaring me and telling me that it will scar forever. thankfully, most of the "scar" went away in about an hour. most importantly, i didn't die in 5minutes. just kidding!!! hahahaha.

on the way back, we got to see some dolphins, too. and also on the way back, i started to get sea sick. the waves were really getting bigger and stronger. with lots of fresh air and a nap, i made it back safe. what a great experience!!! i didn't think i'd get to do this as early as now. its something everyone has to try. well, for some people, its not good if you have motion sickness.

next day, sunday, we have to wake even much earlier...430am to catch a 610am flight back to sydney. geez!!! but i made it early enough to relax a little bit at darling harbour before meeting up the party for the food tasting event at mitch's reception. what a deserving lunch. we got to taste six entrees, six mains, and six desserts. we were to choose two of each and i think we pretty much all agreed with what we liked among the selections. i think it'll be good food. sorry for those who can't make it. hehehehe.

like i said, this was gonna be a busy weekend for me. the food tasting wasn't the last thing i had to do. after that, natasha (my roommate) and her two other friends went to watch the finals for soccer. it was sydney vs central coast for the championship. sydney won! yay! my first soccer game. that's about it.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Sony's Tropfest

A week ago, I joined a fundraising event for the Teresa House where Natasha volunteers and where Mitch used to volunteer in. It was held at the St Ignatius College, one of the best private schools in Sydney, if not the best. Teresa House is a temporary crisis accomodation for homeless people and drug addicts. For a good cause, I went to check out the dinner/dance event and to meet more of Michelle and Natasha's friends. The event was a success and it was a lot of fun. And I got to meet a few more people.

A week later, they had the Sony's Tropfest at the Domain. This is a nationwide competition for the best short film (within 7 minutes) in the country. The theme this year is all about bubbles. Anything from water bubbles to bubble boys. So it was just appropriate that they were giving out water bubbles during the event. The most eventful part was probably when we all got rained out and soaked watching the films.

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