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Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Driver's License

Make way for Celestine!!! She is now allowed to drive on the other side of the road without even having to take any written or actual driving test (isn't that scary). But they really made me work hard for it. The first time I went, I didn't have a proof of address. The second time I went, the issue date on my California DL was only 11 months old. In order to get the full driver's license without having to take any exams, I would have to prove I've been driving for at least 3yrs. So I got my mom to send me my old DL's (keep your old ones just in case). Thanks, mama!

So I finally went the third time. And they still gave me a hard time. My signature on my passport did not match my other signatures. To make the long story short, the clerk asked her manager, came back, and told me that next time, I should sign everything the same (coz my name is so long and I have different versions of it...Maria, Celestine, Maria Celestine, etc.). Take note of this. Then finally, I got my picture taken. Within an hour including all my waiting time, I got my Australian Driver's license. WOOOHOOOO!!!! (not that I have a car to drive anyway...but just in case).

Watch out for Celestine on the road !


Anonymous said...

congratulations!!now you are ready to drive your mom and everyone to the blue mountain!!! tita eve

Celestine de Leon said...

i'll drive everyone there!!! just let me know and we'll try to drive on the left side of the road. hehehehe.

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