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Saturday, December 24, 2005

Christmas 2005

I would like to wish each and every one of you, especially the Alviar and de Leon family, a wonderful and joyous Christmas this year!

To my family, I miss you all. Even without me, you should still make the most of what you have. Enjoy your time with each other.

To all my friends, thanks for all your Holiday greetings. Its good to know we haven't lost touch. Please stay in touch always and keep me updated with life back home.

Look forward to the year 2006. It is the year of the dog. Taken from a website, in the year of the dog "We will become more idealistic in our views, shedding some materialism by doing charitable acts or otherwise championing some worthy projects. It is a year in which we will shift away from the pursuit of the almighty dollar and become a little more reflective. A perfect time to reassess our sense of values, polish up our virtues and go on crusades against tyranny and oppression."

Be good in 2006. Here's a quote I'd like to share with everyone:

It is not the number of breaths you take in a moment that matters. Its the moments that take your breath away that counts.

Happy New Year!!!

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