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Saturday, March 20, 2010

Childcare Playsession

I've been taking a childcare course at TAFE since February to get my certificate. This past Saturday, we had a playsession and we learned to make playdough and paint from scratch. Its so easy and cheap to make and most importantly, fun for kids and adults.

Here are the recipes:


2 cups plain flour
1 cup salt
4 tbsp cream of tartar
2 tbsp oil
2 cups water
colouring (add color to water before pouring to mixture)

mix ingredients together and cook gently over low heat. stir all the time until it thickens.

4 cups flour
1 cup salt
1 tbsp oil
2 cups water
colouring (add color to water before pouring to mixture)

mix ingredients together. add flour if dough is sticky

cornflour paste

add 2 cups cornflour and stir a small amount of cold water and mix til smooth, watery consistency (kindda like milk)

carefully and slowly add boiling water stirring continuously until thickens. mix til smooth paste. add color


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