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Wednesday, July 22, 2009


I've always wanted to learn how to knit. So when Customs House in Circular Quay availed free lessons, I immediately signed up for me and my cousin, Michelle. Two heads are better than one in case one of us forgets.

My first project is a scarf. Gosh does it take a long time to do this project. Winter will be over before I finish it. But its fun, very addictive. I want to do a blanket next time.

After taking the class, I've been noticing people on the bus with their knitting kits. Its kindda like when you bought your car, you start noticing people driving the same car as yours. Isn't it?

Michelle, my other friend (Sovanni) and I will make knitting a cool thing to do!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

is this like your new thong you're making or what? hee hee. put it on for us hottie! yaowee! :)

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