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Thursday, May 21, 2009


I was in Dallas this week visiting a friend who has three kids (1, 3, and 5yr old). We passed by "Hooters" and told her that I've never been to one and was curious how it is thought was a typical hang out place for guys checking out girls with big boobs.

Apparently not. It seems to have been a family-oriented restaurant. They even have kids meal and pass out crayons with coloring activities.

I was even curious what their job applications ask for (not that I would apply). Size and all. But didn't get a chance to. If anyone knows, blog me about it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Funny that you should ask! I worked at one as a waitress during two summer vacations while in college.

And, I might be the smallest Hooters girl in history; I'm about 5'3" and about 110 lbs. (I was probably a few pounds lighter than that in college).

And, the biggest surprise? Well, contrary to popular belief, a woman doesn't have to have big you-know-whats in order to work there. Mine aren't huge at all, but I've been told they're quite nice, and proportional for my height and weight.

And a lot of people have told me that my legs and a s s are really nice, and that helped me get the job there too, I guess.

On occasion I'd have a customer or two who were jerks, but for the most part, the guys were okay. They checked me and the other girls out a lot, but that's to be expected.

They rarely said anything inappropriate, and never tried to touch me. I hoped you don't mind, but I took the liberty of checking some of your pics from your attached links. You look fabulous enough, have decent size boobies (yummy!:)), a very lovely flat tummy and nice exotic skin tone! Personally, I think you'll make a superb Hooters babe! LOL

So, yeah, just for the fun of it, maybe you should consider applying one day! Anyway, it certainly help me mature and see the world from a different light.

Hope this helps U! BTW, love your blog page! Very interesting subject matter and again, nice pics also. Some of the dialogue between you and others are so very entertaining though. LMAO funny in fact. Keep up the great job, sister. Patty Mata

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