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Saturday, November 01, 2008

Operation Xmas Child

Operation Christmas Child is an organization that collects donations for kids and are sent to third world countries. Our job, as volunteers, is to make sure the shoe boxes filled with stuff are complete with something to wear, write, wash, love, and play. Some things we have to remove if found in the boxes are bibles, any notes referring to religion, battery operated items, and food (all are put in a reject box) but still maintaining the integrity of what was originally put in the box by the donors.

I was put in the line for boys age 10-14 yr old. It was interesting opening these boxes. Some would be filled to the top and some less. Some would have girly stuff (maybe intended to be given to the boy's sister), some would have pictures of the donors. I found a nice watch that I left on there (I shouldn't have because it was battery operated). Some would not meet all the requirements so we would have extra tshirts, toys, pencils, or writing pads to add. The funniest for me was taking everything out of the box to check the checklist and not being able to put everything back in there.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey again!! what a very nice and noble gesture on your part, hottie!! we're sure the little ones will appreciate these thoughtful and very timely gifts as well. girl, we always knew you were hot and sexy, but now also very civic and charitable minded too! damn, you go, you little hot sexy pinoy you! ha ha. your admiring buddy from your old 'Pioneer' days! :)

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