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Friday, September 26, 2008

Relative State

My cousin LJ had a gig with his band, "Relative State", at the Cat & Fiddle in Balmain. They usually play at the "Basement" in Blacktown, all the way in woop woop! (Blacktown is Filipino town). We've gone a couple of times all the way there and finally, they have come closer to the city, in Balmain. Sounds like they are moving up!

LJ used to have a band in the Philippines (Mush Carnival) and they were even featured on MTV Asia. How cool is that? At one of their gigs here (at Sydney University), they opened for a famous singer from the Philippines (sorry, I'm not up to date on who that famous person would be). But that's good publicity for them.

And here's another cool story:

There is this Spanish looking guy at work and when I finally met him during one of our drinks at a pub near the office, he said, "O! Kamusta?" Nobody in the office would have guessed he's Filipino coz he looks meztiso. Anyway, after talking to him, I found out that he used to be a drummer for a very famous band, Razorback, in the Philippines. Wow, I work with this guy. I told LJ about it and he told me that, yes, he does know him (Miguel Ortigas). LJ used to record at one of Razorback's recording studio. But LJ said there was another band similar to the Razorbacks that he liked better than them. Here's another twist. Miguel told me his wife worked for this company in North Sydney and it happened to be the same company as my friend's. So I immediately text my friend and she did worked with her. What's so funny was when she received my text message, she was on the same elevator as her. What a small world!!!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Ripples Cafe at Luna Park

Since spring has started, I thought we'd try some nice restaurants around Sydney with a view of the city skyline. Located outside the North Sydney Olympic swimming pool by the Luna Park ferry station, Ripples Cafe gave us this option.

Ripples Cafe is an award winning alfreso BYO cafe where diners enjoy the stunning uninterrupted views of the Harbour, Opera House and the Sydney Harbour Bridge (yep, that was our view!!!).

After dining, we ran for the ferry to Darling Harbour and had dessert. There is a Lindt's Cafe but unfortunately, they were already closed for the night (so early!).

Thanks for spending the night with me (Mei, Paul, Cherry, LJ, My). We'll do another one of these soon!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Absentee Voter

I just voted for the US Presidential Election as an absentee voter. First time doing this before everyone else and being part of a historic election. I hope the one I voted for wins.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Cirque du Soleil - Dralion

It took me a while to finally get to see a production of Cirque Du Soleil. I remember one of the first ones, "O", in Vegas. And now, "Dralion". The two performances that I liked were 1) the tiny, skinny girl who did an inexplicable acrobatic performance standing on one hand that didn't even flinch or wobble while her whole body was moving around, and 2) the trampoline guys who made it so easy and fun to jump on a trampoline. I know its not easy because we have a trampoline at home and to control yourself from being flown out of it is a bit tricky. You wouldn't want to jump too high!
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