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Friday, April 28, 2006

Party On!!!

Eeeek!!! I haven't updated my blog for a while.

Let's do a quick wrap up of the past two weeks:

- I've discovered two main streets to stroll along lots of restaurants, pubs, shops, and cafes. Balmain Road (in Balmain) and Glebe Pt Road (in Glebe) - how original!

- we had a four day Easter weekend. Australia gets Good Friday and Easter Monday as holidays...NICE!!!

- we had Easter dinner at home (see our pix below - the lamb)

- the following day, we had an Easter Monday BBQ at the house. We decided to have a BBQ (or as they call it here, a 'barbie" - they shorten everything here and end it with an "ie" sick call = sickie, water cooler = esky (oh yea, I said "water cooler" and they said, "oh, it must be an american terminology), poker machines = pokies, christmas = chrissie, gift = pressie, etcetera, etcetera) ...wait, I think I just lost my train of thought there. We decided to have a BBQ now before winter really starts

- I started my hatha yoga class...every Thursdays now. My swim class is over so I had to find something to replace it

- I'm now in intermediate swing dance class. That's gonna continue on every Tuesday

- the following week, we had Anzac Day...another holiday. Its the same as Memorial day in the US

- Michelle had her trial make up session one Sunday. Since I was the maid of honor, the make up artist did a trial run on half my face. Michelle and I went to Chinatown after - to show off her well done made up face while I showed off my so-so made up half face at the grocery store

- we went to the Blue Mountains on Anzac Day. Had a stroll around the towns of Leura and Katoomba

- another party at the house this weekend while our flatmate, Natasha, is away in Fiji. We got permission from her to party on...but everything else, what she doesn't know won't hurt her...just kidding!!!

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