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Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Salsa - Coldplay Style

Did you ever think you could salsa a Coldplay tune? "Clocks" in particular? Go on! Pull out that Coldplay CD of yours or search it on your iTunes collection. Listen and see if you could imagine yourself doing salsa with it.

I've taken up salsa dancing the past couple of weeks and will go on for another five weeks. I haven't given up on swing! I'll give that a rest for now. But I'm not guaranteeing I'll be doing any of these dances on any weddings any time soon (hint, hint).

I'd be really surprised next week if they started playing Keane's "This is the Last Time" for salsa.

Monday, April 09, 2007

Sydney Royal Easter Show

Its the must see and do over the Easter weekend - the Royal Easter Show at the Olympic Park. My adventures in Oz land continues.

On the website, it says its the largest annual event staged in Australia. It highlights the country's rural heritage featuring livestock and domestic animals you can pet (sheep, cows, goats, pigs), clydesdale horses, woodchopping competitions, floral arts, alpaca competitions, cooking demonstrations to carnival rides, live music, motorcross action, female cannonball, daredevil aquatic divers, to the all time favorite - showbags (I had three Twix showbags - full of chocolates).

Let me tell you, I think I'm getting too old for these rides. After a rollercoaster, we had to tame it down to the classic ferry's wheel. We gambled a little bit on carnival games but we all ended up empty handed. We did have some privileges at the member's food!

It was all good fun! Reminds me of those fiestas and carnivals we had in the Philippines when we were little kids. But as they say, once you've done the Easter Show, you've done the Easter Show. That's all folks!!!

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