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Sunday, September 04, 2005

Party Down Under

Chapter 27: …so I had this bright idea. About two and a half years ago, after much, much consideration, I decided to do two things. Plan A: join the Peace Corps. Plan A: apply for an Australian visa. My application was submitted almost simultaneously accepting that whichever was approved first, would be my “real” Plan A.After a couple of months, I was contacted by the Peace Corps for an interview. I didn’t think it would be that early! At this time, I was just starting my new job and I needed at least two years of audit experience to apply for my CPA license. So I had to defer it a year. Meanwhile, my application for my visa was in the works. A year later, I was again contacted by the Peace Corps for recruitment in the summer. I went ahead and did my interview and they told me that they would be doing orientation and recruitment soon. It was too soon for me as my primary goal was to get my CPA license. Meanwhile, my application for my visa was in the works. At the beginning of this year, after two years of audit experience, my firm signed off on my audit hours. Then I applied for my CPA license in February. By this time, I was wondering why I haven’t heard anything from the Australian Immigration. So I contacted them in March and a few days later, they told me my visa has been approved. My first entry to Australia had to be on or before October 25, 2005. I was happy, excited, shocked, nervous, scared, and sad all at the same time. But it was a comfort to know that I will be living with my cousin in Sydney. In June, I received a letter from the Board of Accountancy. I got my CPA license!Chapter 28: Sydney, here I come!To all my friends, especially my family, thanks for all of your love and support. If you do visit Sydney, please don’t be a stranger: I hope to be back home in 2-3 years.
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